Hello. I’m Andrea,
I think it’s always good to put a face to a name, so here's a pic of me trying not to look awkward in my ‘office’.
There were many attempts at this image. I believe this to be the least hideous.

So, you know the face (if you haven’t clicked away in horror) now you might be thinking, what’s her deal?
I’ll keep things brief.
I took two things I love; Italy and jewellery, and turned them into a business I could be proud of.
This combination has led to beautiful pieces made with all the penne fuelled pride and passion Italy has to offer.
Jewellery that has the same reassuringly luxurious feel of a stunning pair of handmade heels, with ‘Made In Italy’ proudly stamped on the bottom.
Pretty simple. Pretty fun too. A job that absolutely demands leaving my husband with the kids for a couple of days, putting on my posh lipstick and eating way too much pizza.
A sacrifice I make for you, the customer. Honestly, don’t mention it.
Hopefully you’re still reading and now feel less of a stranger and we can move on to our first date/purchase and get to know each other even better.
Feel free to contact me on info@loel.co.uk with any questions you might have, including how Loel is actually pronounced.